Friday, 13 July 2012

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Jóvita has a production capacity of 700 pairs/day. Its structure, however, is conceived in such a way as to be able to respond effectively to specific market needs. In this context, our unit is prepared to respond to either small production series or product replacement and rests upon a concept of custom tailoring to each client’s needs. Apart from the national acknowledgements obtained at management level (PME - Prestige and Excellence) over the years, it's on European level where the reputation of this company achieves its highest credits, working with world-wide brands in the fashion sector. Helps improve the appearance of new and old scars- Helps prevent formation of stretch marks during pregnancy and help improve the appearance of existing stretch marks- Helps improve the appearance of uneven skin tone- Helps smooth and tone ageing, sagging and wrinkled skin on both face and body- Helps replenish the skins natural oils, stripped away by factors such as extreme weather, water with high chemical content and the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning.

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

Ladies Footwear

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